
7 days to die memes
7 days to die memes

7 days to die memes

7 days to die memes

“Fax? Why don’t you send it over on a dinosaur?” 23) I wonder what Friday Lisa looks like after funny work memes? Facebook / Lisa.” 24) Feel the struggle with funny work memes.

#7 days to die memes crack

“How to be grown up at work: Replace “F*** You” with “OK, great”.” 21) Gotta love funny work memes…LOL! Instagram / senior managers constantly crack shitty jokes but you need your job and that promotion.” 22) Snail mail instead? Instagram / to work when I first started my job VS now.” 20) Great work advice with funny work memes. “It’s Friday! F*** this shit.” 19) True dat.

7 days to die memes

Instagram / you hate your job so you just go to the bathroom and sit there like…” 18) Funny Happy Friday work memes for you and your co-worker! Source Unknown Boss: Was that a Microsoft Office pun? Me: Word.” 17) Been there. “Boss: How good are you at Powerpoint? Me: I Excel at it. Instagram / work memes: “When your co-worker asks a question that makes the meeting go on for 25 more minutes.” 16) Still waiting to use this for a job interview. Twitter / your boss comes around the corner and you grab the closest thing to you to make it look like you’re working.” 15) Every office has at least one of these people. Twitter / my appraisal went this year.” 12) Can’t this clock go any faster? Twitter / work memes: “When you clock in at 9, work for 7 hours & then realize it’s only 9:30.” 13) Also: I need more funny work memes to share with my co-worker in the workplace! Twitter / night before work: “I’m gonna wake up early & get cute” Also me every morning when I get to work:” 14) 100% relatable funny work memes. Twitter / they ask you to show the new employee around.” 11) Me, every year. But does it afford me the ability to go on lavish vacations and buy anything I want? Also no.” 10) Welcome to your workplace where dreams and funny work memes for your co-worker come to die. “When you’re behind on work but need to finish your BuzzFeed quiz so you know what kind of garlic bread you are.” 9) Funny work memes in the workplace that are so true. “When you’re trying to decide whether to go to work or drive across the country and start a new life…” 8) Literally me. “When you have been telling management about a problem for weeks and now you’re just like…” 7) Yes, every morning.

7 days to die memes

Instagram hardest part of my job is…being nice to stupid people.” 6) Watch it burn… Instagram / jennnaaa.92 Twitter / work memes: “When a customer wants to speak to the manager and the manager tells them the same thing you did.” 5) Every day. Twitter / work memes: “When your alarm goes off in the morning and you think to yourself ‘do I really need this job'” 3) I’m thinking of this and funny work memes right now! Twitter / you’re trying to think of ways to become a millionaire overnight so you don’t have to go to work tomorrow.” 4) Love that feeling. “The face I make when I see you leaving work earlier than me.” 2) Every. If this sounds like you, here are 47 funny work memes you’ll instantly relate to. You punch in, punch out and look forward to the weekend. There’s a reason why it’s called “work” and not “fun”. The dread of going to work is a daily ritual for many people. If you work for a living or are now enjoying your retirement after decades of work-life, there are probably days you feel (or felt) like hitting the ‘snooze’ button permanently.

7 days to die memes